Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee: Why the Royal Family Continues to Exist?

Albeit the calls to abolish the monarchy, this particular royal family is here to stay for a very long time.

Lost to some is the fact that, beyond the royal status' call for duty, there is genuine love for the family.

Love for family - this is the composite strength of the Royal House of Windsor.

Long in the waiting game to be king, NOTHING in the demeanor of Crown Prince Charles would suggest that he is eager to succeed the throne.

Maligned by his old age and not quite popular with his broken marriage to the People's Princess, Diana, he deserves respect and admiration for staying the course. 

More than being the Queen's next-in-line to the throne, he is first and foremost - his mother's son.

Royal family facts: The Royal Family's current line (Image: EXPRESS/GETTY)

In like manner, Prince William stands by his father amidst calls for him to succeed Queen Elizabeth. NOTHING in his demeanor will suggest that he contemplates bypassing and disrespecting his father in such an outrageous way. Nor will the Queen. 

If anything, this photo suggests his and his wife's - Duchess Catherine, steely determination to usher an uninterrupted succession to the throne. Protecting the Crown Prince from attacks, EVEN from WITHIN the family. 


As what the British says, Long Live the Queen - indeed!


Mental Health Pep Talk # 5: Seek Help


“No one understand me.”

“I don’t need others.”

“ I don’t care!”

Words like that are good for the ego. To the stubborn mindset.

But not helping us, really.

God did not create a singular person on earth and let him/her to be alone.

Reach out. It may be difficult at first, but you will soon realize that the difficulty is just on your mind. 

And when you are at it… you will realize how liberating it is to let another help carry your burden.  

Thank you Almighty God, I am alive!!!

Mental Health Pep Talk # 4: Guilt-free Happiness

 I have to indulge myself in things that makes me happy.

Or eat food that makes me feel fulfilled. 

I remember the times I am happy.

I imagine places that makes me feel at peace, content and light.

I talk, remember or be with people who make me feel good.

I do what I need to do for that lasting sense of fulfillment.

Just as long as I won’t be answerable to God and country. 

Thank you Almighty God, I am alive!!!

Mental Health Pep Talk # 3: Care for Others


My life is meaningful.

No matter what situation I am in, my life has meaning.

My life would be much easier, if I care for others. 

Sometimes, a shared look which says, I understand, I feel you, I know… 

are simple ways I can connect to others.

I need to act on my hope to make others feel good. 

I don’t need to please people. But I have to show respect. 

And AVOID those who make me feel less of myself.

I am God’s child. So are others.

Thank you Almighty God, I am alive!!!

Mental Health Pep Talk # 2: Befriend Oneself


Life is a give and take. 

You lose some, you win some. 

I can’t go anywhere I want, anytime I want to. And its pretty irritating. 

Yet, I have my quality “me” time now. 

If there is no one to hug, I can hug my pillow and think of good things. 

I can write that poem, go movie binge-watching, or go raiding the kitchen  

I can keep feeling good. The warmth of my smile spreading to uplift the mood of those near me. 

This is me.  The one and only me. No else in this world is like me.

I have problems because I am normal. 

Thank you Almighty God, I am alive!!!

Mental Health Pep Talk # 1: Try Not to Over Think

 This is the 21st Century, yet many questions are still unanswered. 

Questions seek Answers.

Answers lead to Questions.

And the cycle goes on. The 22nd Century will come and go, and many questions will still be unanswered.

Give me a break.  

I would like to enjoy my music. I would like to enjoy the blue skies, the comforting breeze.

I would like to enjoy the rain, the warmth of knowing new plants will grow. 

I hope of better people, of better situations.

For the meantime, I will take that nap I long for. I will walk,  swim,  dance, eat, hug… SMILE:)

Thank you Almighty God, I am alive!!!

Coconut Vinegar: Best Anti-Fungal Remedy

Nature has given us the best cure for common fungal diseases at the cheapest price imaginable. No need for costly ointments. Be cured safely  and save your money.

Coconut vinegar can either be made with coconut water or from the sap, or "tuba," of the coconut tree. This is a staple condiment in Southeast Asia, particularly in the Philippines, where it is called suka ng niyog. Coconut vinegar is white and cloudy with a very pungent acidic taste and a hint of yeast.

For Skin Fungi
Wash the affected are with soap and lukewarm water. Dry gently with clean cloth. Then wet a cotton ball with  undiluted coconut vinegar and gently rub in the affected area. Let it dry. Do this in the morning and in the evening. Observe the redness to fade away in just one week.

For Foot Fungi and Athletes Foot
Wash the feet with lukewarm water and soap. Dry gently with clean cloth. Prepare 1 liter of lukewarm water in a basin, pour 1-3 tablespoons of coconut vinegar. Soak the feet in about 15 - 30 minutes. For best results,  do not rinse afterwards. Let it dry.

For Nail and Toe Nail Fungi
Wash the hands or the feet with lukewarm water and soap. Dry gently with clean cloth. Gently rub with a cotton ball soaked with undiluted coconut vinegar all nails and toenails to prevent the spread to other areas. But do not use the same cotton ball used for the affected nails and toenails. Do this every morning and before going to sleep until the nail returns to normal.

For Hair Fungi and Dandruff
Pour 5 tablespoons of undiluted coconut vinegar in small basin. Wet the hair by gently massaging the scalp. Ensure that the mixture reaches the scalp especially the itchy areas. Let it stand for 5 minutes. Shampoo and Rinse the hair with tap water. 

In just one wash, the itchiness is significantly reduced, the dandruff almost gone. Do this once a week. It does wonders to the hair too, making it softer, cleaner and shinier.

How to Make Your Kids Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Kids seldom eat fruits and vegetables. How to make them eat these necessary food, had been my dilemma. I got my clue from children's usual request for mango shake.

Squash-Kalamansi Shake has the taste of mango shake. My son doesn't notice the difference.

1 cup of cooked, mashed squash
1 cup of evaporated milk
1 tablespoon of kalamansi juice
sugar to taste.

Carrot-Cheese Shake is deliciously creamy. Blend well for a smooth texture. Kids hate the grainy feel.

1 cup of boiled or raw carrot
1 cup of evaporated milk
2 slices of Cheese (I use Kraft Eden Cheese)
sugar to taste

Cucumber-Mango Shake tastes more like mango shake.

1 cup of peeled cucumber without the seeds
1 cup of sweet mangoes
1 cup of evaporated milk
sugar to taste

Banana-Nuts Shake is delightfully yummy.
1 cup of sliced sweet bananas
1/2 cup of nuts
1 cup of evaporated milk
sugar to taste

Instead of buying powdered juice or softdrinks, this is the healthier of giving in to your kids sweet cravings.

Flavors should work around what your kid prefers.

Commoner (Former) Crown Princesses

Fairytales come true, when you believe.

While it may be every girl's dream to become a princess when they grow up, only a few are destined to live their dreams.

Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess of Greece, Princess of Greece and Denmark

A billionaire's heiress, Ms. Miller, born September 17, 1968 married Pavlos, Crown Prince of Greece on July 1, 1995. It was like transferring to the royal palace from her palatial home.

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess of Norway

Fairytales do come true for this single mother who married Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway on August 25, 2001. Life can be quite forgiving and generous, to some.

Her Royal Highness Máxima, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau, Mrs. van Amsberg

2002 saw the Argentinean banker Maxima Zorrieguieta, became Princess Maxima when she married the heir to the Dutch throne and future king of Netherlands, Prince Willem-Alexander.

Update: On her Mother in Laws abdication, 30 April 2013 – present:  
Her Majesty Queen Máxima, Princess of the Netherlands, Princess of Orange-Nassau.[

Her Royal Highness The Crown Princess of Denmark, Countess of Monpezat

On May 14, 2004, Mary Donaldson, born February 5, 1972, became the first Australian to become a princess, as Crown Princess of Denmark when she married the heir to the Danish throne, Frederik Crown Prince of Denmark.

Her Royal Highness Doña Letizia, Princess of Asturias, Princess of Viana, Princess of Girona, Duchess of Montblanc, Countess of Cervera and Lady of Balaguer

Eight days after the wedding of Mary Donaldson to the heir of the Danish throne, the world saw another wedding of a commoner to the heir apparent of the Spanish throne. Divorced journalist Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, born September 15, 1972, became Princess of Asturias when she married Felipe, Prince of Asturias on May 22, 2004. 

Update: On her father-in-law's abdication in June 2014:
Her Majesty, Queen Letizia - Queen Consort of Spain.

Life had been so good to these women... but with such fame and privilege comes responsibility.

May they use their advantage of fame, wealth and position to uplift the lives of people with status they once shared .

How to Fry Without Oil (No Air Fryer Needed)

In today's fat-laden meals and diets, we've got to be creative enough to lessen our fat intake. This concern is not so much for outward appearances but primarily for taking care of our health.

My children like fried chicken a lot, who doesn't?

I fry it oil-free. Here's how:

1. Wash the chicken slices well, then strain.

2. Sprinkle salt (and pepper if you like).

3. Heat the pan, then put the chicken slices.

4. Add water to simmer. One-half (1/2) cup of water or less will do for 4-5
medium slices of chicken.

5. When water have evaporated, the chicken's natural oil surfaces. This
time add one to two cloves of garlic.

6. Fry chicken until golden brown.

7. Serve with sliced tomato with a dash of salt and vinegar.

You can do this to for hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats, meatloafs, corned beef and the like. 

Water laden with fats and salt can be thrown away and boil anew.  

Queen Seondeok & Kim Yushin: A Tragic Love

How could love so deep and true be ever withheld from the one your truly love?

Such is the tragic love story of Queen Seondeok and Kim Yushin who both let their "noble" cause of unifying the three (3) Kingdoms by extracting Lady Misil (Mishil) from the seat of power and restoring it back to the Royal Family, come in between of their once in a lifetime opportunity to find that elusive one true love.

What is power without love to nurture it?
What is success without the happiness in achieving it?
A life lived but unshared with the one you truly love is a life not fully lived.

While to live for others is a noble cause, to live for oneself is equally a noble cause. For one cannot give to others something that is wanting in his own life.

In the final episode, the dying Queen Seondeok made known to Kim Yushin, the identity of the lady in her dreams - herself, giving advice to her younger self. That in her quest for the throne, she will lose her true love and it will be painful from thereon. Of all the things she said, the most touching were the words..."I seem to have everything...but in truth... I've got nothing."

She let go of the chance to live life with Kim Yushin at the first instance her identity was known. Despite Kim Yushin's firm resolve to live a new life with her, away from Shilla, choosing her over Princess Cheonmyeong, she decided to go back to Shilla. Kim Yushin devotedly followed her and staked everything to achieve her goal.

The second chance to finally have Kim Yushin would have been choosing him over Bidam to be her husband when the Gaya descendant disbanded their restoration movement, finally vanishing the issue of Kim Yushin gaining the throne for Gaya' sake.

She let go of this too!

In the end, she died alone and lonely...presumably having second thoughts if not regrets in the choices she made and the two chances she wasted. But then again, the nobility in spirit far outweighed her mortal inclinations.

Not everyone is priviliged to be Queen. It beckons only the most extraordinary of mortals.

Marriages Against All Odds

Love is a many splendored thing.
It is something that people can talk about but not judge at.

Love, to some, is a matter of the heart. . .and to others. . .of the mind.
But whatever the reason will be, it is their lives, not ours.
Let us let them be.

89 years old J. Howard Marshall married 26 years old Anna Nicole Smith in 1994. With an age gap of 63 years, the public cannot help raising their eyebrows. The groom is wheel-chair bound but a billionaire.

Woody Allen and Soon-Yi Previn have 35 years between them. But more than the age gap, Soon-Yi happened to be the adopted daughter of Woody's former partner. From mother to daughter. That is quiet a transition.

From manager to husband. 26 years her senior, that is how Rene Angelil mattered in Celine Dion's life. Most convenient but could be quiet difficult to balance. But with true love, there could be no problem with that.

"I'd like to father your children." Michael Douglas told Catherine Zeta-Jones. He is exactly 25 years her senior. Michael showed wisdom and experience. Why go the long and winding road of love when you can have it directly. She agreed.

Jeri Kehn is the trophy wife Fred Dalton Thompson was longing for. He got her.The 25 years age difference seem to work for them, they are happily married.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes had the most publicized courtship. TomKat as they are otherwise dubbed, are 16 years apart. But it doesn't show, on Tom's part.

Who could ever forget the fairy-tale wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana? With 13 years between them, the number seemed bad luck for the marriage. Just kidding.

Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller, dubbed as "the beauty and the brain," have 11 years age gap. How come the world's most famous sex symbol got smitten with a playwright? It is the mind and the body coming together.

With not only a 10 year age difference between them, Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovett's romance had been unfairly dubbed as "the beauty and the beast," by the harsh tabloids. With that humiliating label, no wonder the couple split after two years.

Thomas Daniel "Tommy" Mottola, married his third wife Thalia. He is older by 22 years. Can't blame Tommy, Thalia is simply gorgeous.

Marrying someone younger is not a man's domain.
Forever young Ms. Demi Moore married Ashton Kutcher, 15 years her junior.

Ah... love is indeed a many splendored thing!

Transgenders in Beauty Pageants

Should transgenders and women compete in one beauty pageant?

We respect transgenders in their quest to express themselves, to choose their persona, alter their physical make-up and be respected as they are.

Respect is a two-way lane. 

Men and Transgenders should never try to step on a natural woman's natural rights.

Women have rights of their own to speak of too which transgenders should acknowledge and respect.

Let Transgenders have a beauty pageant edition of their own.

Women had long been oppressed, limited and deprived.

Former men to compete in a women's beauty pageant is just another form of marginalization, 21st century style. 

Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth's Great True Love (Part 2)

From the moment they were engaged in July of 1947, Prince Philip assumed his protective stance of his princess. See how he positions himself and how he scowls when not looking at her.
When his wife became Queen, you can see a husband kneeling before her, not only to pledge his support but to let known his promise to help her prove her real worth. Only he can dismiss jokingly his role in the royal family as "I am nothing but a bloody amoeba. I am the only man in the country not allowed to give his name to his own children." But his devotion to the Queen, his wife, belies any discontent to his role. Only a man sure of himself, and of his love can go through such manliness diminishing status.
Only a real man can humble himself and walk two steps behind her and yet prove to all that he is still the one who wears the pants in their relationship.
As we all know how Prince Philip looks to his wife with intensity and propensity, he is truly smitten.
There is respect, wonder, desire and gratitude rolled into that one signature look he gives her.
How can one woman be so lucky!
The Royals of today should pay attention and learn from Prince Philip how he focused in loving his wife, standing up for his family and shunning self-serving notions.
Indeed, happily ever after does come true.