How to Fry Without Oil (No Air Fryer Needed)

In today's fat-laden meals and diets, we've got to be creative enough to lessen our fat intake. This concern is not so much for outward appearances but primarily for taking care of our health.

My children like fried chicken a lot, who doesn't?

I fry it oil-free. Here's how:

1. Wash the chicken slices well, then strain.

2. Sprinkle salt (and pepper if you like).

3. Heat the pan, then put the chicken slices.

4. Add water to simmer. One-half (1/2) cup of water or less will do for 4-5
medium slices of chicken.

5. When water have evaporated, the chicken's natural oil surfaces. This
time add one to two cloves of garlic.

6. Fry chicken until golden brown.

7. Serve with sliced tomato with a dash of salt and vinegar.

You can do this to for hot dogs, sausages, luncheon meats, meatloafs, corned beef and the like. 

Water laden with fats and salt can be thrown away and boil anew.  

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