Alfie Patten, Second Youngest Father

This, is a, father and daughter picture. Alfie Patten is a father at thirteen years old (!) to baby Maisie Roxanne. Below is their family picture, with fifteen year old mother, Chantelle Steadman.

This news may have shocked the world, but Alfie is not the youngest father.

Sean Stewart of Sharnbrook, England became a father on January 20, 1998 at the age of twelve. His girlfriend, Emma, was fifteen years old. What have become of him? Alfie Patten, from East Sussex, was a teenager when he was said to have fathered a child with family friend Chantelle Steadman, 15, in 2009.
It was thought Chantelle conceived the child after sleeping with Alfie when he was 12 before a DNA test later proved the real father was mutual friend Tyler Barker, then 14.
Alfie now in his twenties.

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