Vice President Mike Pence and the 25th Amendment

Life-changing opportunities only come to a chosen few. If USA Vice President Mike Pence intends to run in 2024, he can choose to utter these words: "Mr. President, with all due respect, for our great country, step down, now. And shut up with your lies!
He can choose to heed the call for 25th Amendment. Or forever lose glory that he could have had.
It is understandable for the Vice President Pence to just let the current president finish his term, from a political standpoint. It will be a shame for the Republican Party to have an impeached president. As a person, VP Mike Pence has strong sense of loyalty however misplaced it may seem to others. By standing by the president who is now disowning him, VP Mike Pence is standing tall in guarding the integrity of the Office of the Vice President. Indeed, it would not be a good precedent to have a vice president who will turn against his president. This is the rationale why both positions are elected as one. The electoral system of the US of A hoped to avoid the problems of having a sitting president and vice president from opposing parties. However, looking at it from a bipartisan, apolitical point of view and taking into context the January 6, 2021 mob in the Capitol Hill, the impeachment of the current president will put into focus the principle that no one is above the law. Non-winning Presidents using the power of the Office of the President to undermine a democratic process should never go unpunished. Accountability is the bedrock of democracy. Freedom of choice is inconsequential without accountability. Impeaching the current president is really putting the country first. Loyalty to party ends where loyalty to the country begins. It will not also be a good precedent to let an infraction of such magnitude to go unpunished. Many had been held accountable for less.

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